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Image © Alan Hayes, 2024


ITC series including Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) have a long history of physical home entertainment releases on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray, as well as soundtrack releases on audio formats such as vinyl records, audio cassette and compact disc.


In this section, we focus - as you would expect - on Randall and Hopkirk releases ranging from the earliest VHS home video cassettes right up to the magnificent Blu-ray release of the series, whilst also turning an ear to Edwin Astley's evocative, brilliant musical compositions on vinyl and CD.


However, that's not the end of it, not by a long chalk! In this section - essentially a 100-page website in itself, nestled within Randall and Hopkirk (Declassified) - we also present the same level of information for 24 of Jeff, Marty and Jean's ITC film-series stablemates that loosely operate in the same genre.


Image © Martin Cater / Network Distributing

One thing to bear in mind is that our focus is exclusively on British releases. This isn't because Randall and Hopkirk (Declassified) is insular or dismissive of what has been issued elsewhere in the world - far from it judging from our shelves! - but rather it is a gargantuan task to document just the British merchandise and the section had to be kept to a manageable size. We might occasionally allude to international versions and present peeks at foreign covers, but essentially, the criteria is that if an item wasn't published in the United Kingdom it doesn't feature. Apologies if this is disappointing but life is too short and you should definitely find much here to jog many a nostalgic memory and perhaps make you wonder how you managed to miss so much...


Please click on the series logos to access the pages in this section, which are further subdivided into delivery formats (i.e. VHS, DVD, etc), accessible by clicking the format icons beneath each series title. The series icons link primarily to the VHS pages, though obviously for series without VHS releases, they won't!


Additionally, as an extra-special treat, there are two additional sections: Multi-Series Releases, where you will find those instances where episodes of more than one series were issued together, for instance ITC Video's Classic TV Heaven range; and TV Themes Collections, where VHS, vinyl record, audio cassette and CD releases of TV theme compilations are recorded - as long as they have at least one ITC theme included. This latter section is a huge rabbit-hole of a section, so please forgive it not being totally comprehensive.


If you spot something missing from any of the pages, please Contact Us if you can help, correct something, scan a cover (600dpi preferred) or just wish to send a comment.


Finally, this section would not have been possible without the sterling support and hard work of so many people, whose names appear below. Thank you all.


Section compiled by Alan Hayes

with thanks to Martin Cater, Simon Coward, Rick Davy, Bernard Dunne, Fred Edwards,
Alys Hayes, Julian Knott, Alistair McGown, Andrew Pixley, Michael Richardson, Craig Robins,
Al Samujh, Sheena Samujh, David Stimpson, Stephen Thwaites, Sharman Towers,
Jaz Wiseman, Jonathan Wood and the Roobarb's Forum Network Releases researchers


3D Packshots of VHS releases produced by Alan Hayes


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